This procedure describes the steps needed to migrate properly a VM from VHS environment to a VHI platform, considering a healthy VM that should be running without issues in the source node (VHS).
- Virtual Disk formats supported: qcow2, qed, raw, vdi, vhd, vmdk (reference:
- VM must not have guest tools installed in VHS (source node)
1) Stop the VM in VHS
2) Create a local copy of the disk image (by using cp command)
3) Make sure VHI has enough space to store the image that will be copied.
4) Upload the image copy from the VM required to the VHI node.
(rsync or scp are options if both platforms VHS & VHI have communication between them)
# rsync -avP USER@SERVER:/path/to/IMAGE_NAME.qcow2 /tmp/
# cd /tmp
# qemu-img convert -O qcow2 IMAGE_NAME.qcow2 NEW_IMAGE_NAME.qcow2
5) Create a new image from the converted file:
# vinfra service compute image create IMAGE_NAME --file NEW_IMAGE_NAME.qcow2
6) Create a VM from the previous image created (via CLI or UI)
7) Start the VM in VHI
8) Setup guest tools
9) Stop/start the VM and test it