You've forgotten your admin username and password and causing vinfra command using admin prompted with auth user failed error. Luckily you still have access to the SSH as root.
- Authenticate as vstorage admin user
export VINFRA_USERNAME=$(grep -E "KEYSTONE_SERVICE_USER" /usr/libexec/vstorage-ui-backend/etc/backend.cfg | cut -d "=" -f 2 | sed -e "s/'//g") && e\xport VINFRA_PASSWORD=$(grep "KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PASS" /usr/libexec/vstor age-ui-backend/etc/backend.cfg | sed "s/^[^']*'\([^']*\)'.*/\1/")
- Reset the admin user password using vinfra command:
vinfra domain user set admin --domain Default --password expot VINFRA_USERNAME=admin; export VINFRA_PASSWORD=YOURPREFERREDPASSWORD
You can verify your password workability by accessing your admin panel as user "admin".