Attempting to create a new bridged network interface (VLAN) using Virtuozzo Automator Tool (web panel) fails with "Failed to update the virtual network information."
Interface names can be up to 15 characters long
- Ensure that the user executing these commands has the necessary permissions to perform the operations (preferably use the root user in the CLI)
1) Confirm the network interface name of the desired network device.
# ip link show
2) Now down the network interface chosen, then change its name and turn the interface up again.
# ip link set <long-interface-name> down
# ip link set <long-interface-name> name <new-interface-name>
# ip link set <new-interface-name> up
3) Lastly, create the bridge interface (VLAN) desired and turn it up.
# nmcli con add type vlan con-name <vlan-name> dev <new-interface-name> id <vlan-id>
# nmcli con up <vlan-name>
Additional information
Interface names and VLAN names usually accept alphanumeric characters and some special characters such as hyphens (-) or underscores (_). However, it is generally recommended to stick to only alphanumeric characters and avoid using spaces or special characters that may cause issues in certain configurations.